Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tonya Tow Jobs NET GTA 5 Mods

Tonya Tow Jobs NET GTA 5 Mods

New repo-type mission I created. Thought Id share it since most people seemed to like Simeons Repo missions. 
Have fun! 
1aa0db gta pic 1

- Allows players to do towing missions for Tonya. 
- Payout is $10,000. 

- ScriptHookVDotNet 
- ScriptHookV 
- NativeUI 

- Drag and drop all .dlls into your scripts folder. 

- Drive to the Davis Sheriff impound (Should be a blip on the map). 
- Press the context key to start a mission. (Compatible with controllers) 
- Retrieve a vehicle by attaching it to the tow truck. 
- Drive the vehicle to the impound. 
- Get some cash! 

- HOTFIX: Made it so Tonya messages you once, and you wont hear from her again (i.e. the next time the game is loaded. Editable in .ini file) 

- Some cars (if not just one car) may have snow on them. 

- Alexander Blade for ScriptHookV ( 
- crosire for ScriptHookV[.NET] ( 
- Guad for NativeUI Library (


Available link for download