Wednesday, November 16, 2016
You can increase your trivia supply on a forum, or learn tricks and get ideas, but you increase your programming skills by writing code. The more you practice the better you code. Nowadays, we spent our most of the time online; its time to make your time online more learning. There you go with my list of forums and sites to enhance or learn programming online.

A great starting point for aspiring programmers. Codecademy boasts over 1 million users overall, and its content is free, at least for now. Codecademy is one of the best ways to try coding and to get quick exposure to the career of a programmer. Codecademy is all about the console. Whats a console? In real life when you program, youll normally use a text editor to write your code and then execute it separately, while at codeacademy the console uses for its courses combine the two function into one. It means at Codeacademy you work with real code, and then watch how it performs to create a more hands-on learning experience than traditional books, videos or text-based tutorials offer.

Coursera is a MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) platform launched in April 2012 by two computer science professors from Stanford University, Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng. Coursera in my opinion is future of learning. Coursera offers courses for free from most of the top universities. Learn from the top professors by watching video lectures, achieving mastery via interactive assignments, questions and collaborating with a global community of students. Coursera is trying to make the best education in the world freely available to each and every person who seeks it.

I like this website because it turns Programming into an Interactive adventure! This website is very good for someone having no prior knowledge to programming and want to learn programming from the scratch. Code Avengers is one of the best site available online to learn coding. The way they teach you is quite amazing and interesting. You will never regret joining Codeavengers.
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Code Conquest is an online guide to computer programming for beginners, the best part is for FREE. If youre someone who wants to learn coding, but you havent got a clue where to start, youve come to the right place. Here you can introduce yourself to coding, take free code tutorials, compare and select programming training, become informed at the coding knowledge center and even learn how to start a career in computer programming.

Udacity is another site you can always visit to learn new courses developed and taught by experts from leading tech companies like Google, Facebook etc. Udacity offers a wide range of courses from basic C language to Python programming as well courses on Android app development, Hadoop development, Algorithms etc.

SPOJ (Sphere Online Judge) is an online judge system with over 100,000 registered users and over 10000 problems. The solution to problems can be submitted in over 40 languages including C, C++, Java, Python, C#, Go, Haskell, Ocaml, and F#. SPOJ has a rapidly growing problem set/tasks available for practice 24 hours/day, including many original tasks prepared by the community of expert problem setters associated with the project. SPOJ allows advanced users to organize contests under their own rules and problems. It also includes a forum where programmers can discuss how they can solve a particular problem. Apart from the English language, SPOJ also offers its content in Polish, Portuguese and Vietnamese languages.
if you have decent math skills, a great site for challenge programming is Project Euler. There are over 400 problems, last I looked. Each is a challenge to write a program to compute a numerical result, running in one minute of CPU time or less. Pick your own language, or solve with pencil and I did with a couple of the early ones. Once you post a correct answer, you have admission to the forum for that problem where you can discuss how you solved it with other successful solvers, post your own code for comment, look at what the solution might look like in another programming language, etc. Its not for everybody, of course, and the later problems are pretty gnarly, but the first 100 or so are pretty good practice.

Codeforces is a project joining people interested in and taking part in programming contests. On one hand, Codeforces is a social network dedicated to programming and programming contests. On the other hand, it is a platform where contests are held regularly, the participants skills are reflected by their rating and the former contests can be used to prepare. Codeforces is probably the most "friendly", because the UI is nice and it gives you the test case you failed on if you get it wrong. Codeforces have hundreds of problems, so you shouldnt run out any time soon (you dont need to practice during an official competition; solving problems from the archives is just as good).

CodeProject is a great source for code, answers, articles, and community -- all for professional developers. Developers from all over the world come together to share source code, tutorials and knowledge for free to help their fellow programmers. If youre looking for answers, seeking to help fellow programmers or just want to hang out and catch up with everyone, then try the Discussion Boards. The answer to all your question related to programming and coding is here at Codeproject.

A language-independent collaboratively edited question and answer site for programmers. Stack overflow is a place where you can find answer to all your questions related to programming. Stack Overflow is a good place to ask serious question. Be sure to search for a prior answer first, though. Most of the active folks there are very picky about duplicates. There are quite a few very smart developers, though, and you can pick up valuable ideas.
Few More sites you can always visit for practice and learning:

Top sites to learn programming from scratch
1. Codeacademy
A great starting point for aspiring programmers. Codecademy boasts over 1 million users overall, and its content is free, at least for now. Codecademy is one of the best ways to try coding and to get quick exposure to the career of a programmer. Codecademy is all about the console. Whats a console? In real life when you program, youll normally use a text editor to write your code and then execute it separately, while at codeacademy the console uses for its courses combine the two function into one. It means at Codeacademy you work with real code, and then watch how it performs to create a more hands-on learning experience than traditional books, videos or text-based tutorials offer.
Coursera is a MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) platform launched in April 2012 by two computer science professors from Stanford University, Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng. Coursera in my opinion is future of learning. Coursera offers courses for free from most of the top universities. Learn from the top professors by watching video lectures, achieving mastery via interactive assignments, questions and collaborating with a global community of students. Coursera is trying to make the best education in the world freely available to each and every person who seeks it.
3. Code Avengers
I like this website because it turns Programming into an Interactive adventure! This website is very good for someone having no prior knowledge to programming and want to learn programming from the scratch. Code Avengers is one of the best site available online to learn coding. The way they teach you is quite amazing and interesting. You will never regret joining Codeavengers.
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4. CodeConquest
Udacity is another site you can always visit to learn new courses developed and taught by experts from leading tech companies like Google, Facebook etc. Udacity offers a wide range of courses from basic C language to Python programming as well courses on Android app development, Hadoop development, Algorithms etc.
Top site for online practice and programming contest
SPOJ (Sphere Online Judge) is an online judge system with over 100,000 registered users and over 10000 problems. The solution to problems can be submitted in over 40 languages including C, C++, Java, Python, C#, Go, Haskell, Ocaml, and F#. SPOJ has a rapidly growing problem set/tasks available for practice 24 hours/day, including many original tasks prepared by the community of expert problem setters associated with the project. SPOJ allows advanced users to organize contests under their own rules and problems. It also includes a forum where programmers can discuss how they can solve a particular problem. Apart from the English language, SPOJ also offers its content in Polish, Portuguese and Vietnamese languages.
7. Projecteuler
if you have decent math skills, a great site for challenge programming is Project Euler. There are over 400 problems, last I looked. Each is a challenge to write a program to compute a numerical result, running in one minute of CPU time or less. Pick your own language, or solve with pencil and I did with a couple of the early ones. Once you post a correct answer, you have admission to the forum for that problem where you can discuss how you solved it with other successful solvers, post your own code for comment, look at what the solution might look like in another programming language, etc. Its not for everybody, of course, and the later problems are pretty gnarly, but the first 100 or so are pretty good practice.
Codeforces is a project joining people interested in and taking part in programming contests. On one hand, Codeforces is a social network dedicated to programming and programming contests. On the other hand, it is a platform where contests are held regularly, the participants skills are reflected by their rating and the former contests can be used to prepare. Codeforces is probably the most "friendly", because the UI is nice and it gives you the test case you failed on if you get it wrong. Codeforces have hundreds of problems, so you shouldnt run out any time soon (you dont need to practice during an official competition; solving problems from the archives is just as good).
Top Forums to ask question on programming
9. Codeproject
CodeProject is a great source for code, answers, articles, and community -- all for professional developers. Developers from all over the world come together to share source code, tutorials and knowledge for free to help their fellow programmers. If youre looking for answers, seeking to help fellow programmers or just want to hang out and catch up with everyone, then try the Discussion Boards. The answer to all your question related to programming and coding is here at Codeproject.
A language-independent collaboratively edited question and answer site for programmers. Stack overflow is a place where you can find answer to all your questions related to programming. Stack Overflow is a good place to ask serious question. Be sure to search for a prior answer first, though. Most of the active folks there are very picky about duplicates. There are quite a few very smart developers, though, and you can pick up valuable ideas.
Few More sites you can always visit for practice and learning:
- Topcoder
- CodeChef
- GitHub
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